There's just hours until I meet my best friend. The mere meaning of the term "best friend" is quite insulting, don't you agree? It somehow inflicts thoughts to other very good friends that they're somehow lesser than this so called best friend. Yet, I believe there must be something unique with this best friend for him or her to earn this title "best". Well, in this case I can safely say I haven't met any one with such distinct humour, style and interests like this friend. And we share a problem which makes it easier to live with. He's one of my favourite friends, one of my prefered friends definetly. Anyhoo, today we're going to the capital to watch the disgusting humanity go about their lives, pretending to be living. If I could, I'd enlighten them all. But sadly, I'm a mere mortal just like them, thus I choose to express my thoughts here, rather than become some radical loonie. Speaking of loonies, I just noticied this entire post is in English. Now there's a canundrum for you to ponder your tingeling brains with.